A Day InHerShoes
What is it?
A Day InHerShoes is a snapshot glimpse into the work, programming, and impact our community is all about. A half-day event, we partner with local businesses to create jam-packed experiences intended to get you thinking, meet your local community, and turn inspiration into action steps the moment you walk out. The event brings panelists who are thought leaders in their field, workshops from local experts, and InHerShoes-led exercises. If InHerShoes were a movie, this is your trailer.
Who is it for?
Corporations looking to get involved with their local community through experiences, working professionals and college students.
Can I bring this to my city?
Absolutely. A Day InHerShoes is the perfect way to bring InHerShoes to your city and catalyze a chapter while doing it! Drop us a note or send us a message below and let's get to it!
About Your Day
Gather with powerhouse professional women and trailblazing students eager to make an impact. Come as you are and let the good times roll! Who knows, your future co-founder, best friend, or mentor awaits.
Don't ask directions from people who haven't been where you want to go. Come learn from leading women who have literally been there, and done that. Get ready for rich discussion, engaging panelists, breakout groups, and opportunities for 1:1 time with women making waves.
Unlock the genius of the room and connect with participants, speakers, and your hosts. Leave your concerns and negative self-talk at home. Today is about you and getting you where you want to go faster - together.
So you've learned a few things, got inspired, and now what? Be prepared to map out some ways to Catalyze Courage and turn your takeaways into actions.
Ready to catalyze your own?
Let’s do it.