Step Into Courage
Introducing InHerShoes’ newest community series dedicated to celebrating every journey women take —
and the steps of courage to get there.
Grad Day 2022
This summer ‘22 InHerShoes in partnership with Stuart Weitzman and the Tapestry Foundation kicked off the first in our brand new series of community events — Step Into Courage: Grad Day. The first of the series, we kicked off the summer and started back-to-school season early with graduating seniors getting ready to navigate their first year of college and beyond.
Women’s History Month 2023
InHerShoes brought together our student Catalysts from Princeton and came together with our Courage Partners, Stuart Weitzman, for a day dedicated to “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.” A day filled with mentorship, courageous conversations, career development, and skill-set building, we catalyzed courage from the classroom to the board room for the next generation of young female leaders.