InHerShoes Partners
InHerShoes partners with organizations that share our desire to catalyze courage
for girls and womxn to live and create courageously.
Collaboration Opportunities
Join forces to spread courage, 1% at a time because together, we are twice as powerful
Brand Collaborations
Whether it's a digital content series or a never-before-seen program/event, let's combine the power of our teams to create opportunities for women and girls to realize their full potential. We have an ever-growing list of ideas and are always open to more!
Bring InHerShoes to Your Workplace
Do you need to spark courage in the office? That's one of the things we do best. We have workshops and retreats that help teams tune into their individual superpowers. These can be as short as an hour or as long as a weekend and are always tailored uniquely to your needs.
Feature InHerShoes On Your Platform
Have a podcast, blog, or media platform and looking for an InHerShoes spin on things? We always love connecting with new audiences to spread a little courage!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Make an impact by helping power what we do best at InHerShoes
Event Sponsorship
InHerShoes hosts events throughout the year to create opportunities for women and girls to find their inner courage. These events wouldn't be possible without the generous support of our community of sponsors.
Sponsor an event.
Program Sponsorship
InHerShoes programs are the pinnacle of sparking courageous action in women and girls. We don't just guide connection to inner courage, we provide actionable steps to carry these learnings into every day life beyond our programs. Sponsoring our programs helps enacts tangible change into the lives of our community.
Sponsor a program.
Product or Sales Promotion
The InHerShoes team is a mighty, but small force. Campaigns and influential endorsements help amplify our mission and scale our impact beyond what we can even imagine! Have a national, regional, or digital campaign that could be a good fit? Connect with us.