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2021 Unveil Our Story Digital Conference

We're hosting a panel as part of Unveil Our Story's 2021 Digital Conference centered on "Using Courage To Find Our Creativity"

Imagine how much we could achieve if we set a goal to be 1% better than yesterday? This is the challenge we poses to our collective and something that Unveil Our Story embraces. We are so excited to be partnered with Unveil our Story for this conference and host this panel talk moderated by our very own APIA women, Camille De La Rosa & Jasmine Cruz.

At IHS, we believe that everyone is creative in some capacity, even if their field isn't necessarily traditionally considered "creative". So from diving deep into social media analytics through being a full-time artist, we're having a conversation with women from our InHerShoes community around courage and creativity.

April 28

InHerShoes Spring Mixer (Private Event)

June 26

InHerShoes Virtual Pride Parade: Seattle Chapter